bryce & stefaniedate | 2.5.11
city | st louis
preparation | hilton ballpark
ceremony | hilton ballpark
reception | hilton ballpark
st louis wedding photographers | sal cincotta & taylor cincotta

bryce and stefanie’s st louis wedding photography

what an amazing day yesterday. first, everyone had to deal with the crazy weather this week and travel was not fun at all. but the group was ready to have some fun. the hilton always provides for an amazing backdrop and the receptions are always top notch. the woollen wedding was no exception. the one thing that will always stand out in my mind and something i have never seen before and doubt i will ever see again is the broadway show put on by the bride and groom and bridal party during the reception… all i can tell you is there was acting, choreographed dancing, and a final act! i am not sure pictures or words could ever do it justice. kudos to bryce and stefanie… way to be original!